Would you do your job for free?

July 28, 2012

ISO FOTO Studios offer services. Photography, Web Design, Videography. These services cost money to make. Here is the break down of and 1-2 hour photo shoot.



Days before the shoot. (1-3 hours of my time)

-Emails, phone calls to organize the shoot (cost of internet, and cell phone)

-Driving around to find location (gas, insurance, car maintenance)

-Charging batteries, cleaning gear (cost of batteries and the gear)



Day of shoot (1-3 hours of our time)

-Travel to shoot location (gas, insurance, car maintenance)

-Photo Time! (cost of the wear and tar on all my photography gear)



Photo shoot done (2-6 hours of my time)

-Drive back to my home office (gas, insurance, car maintenance)

-Upload photos (Computer, card reader, Hard drives, software ect.)

-Selecting the best ones (Computer, card reader, Hard drives, software ect.)

-Editing (Computer, card reader, Hard drives, software ect.)

-Online viewing/ordering (web software, online storage, website)

-Deliver Digital ( Cost of disk, or online storage to download from)

-print deliver 9cost of prints, postage or vehicle expense)


Everything done backup to office site location or archive (Computer and software of site storage cost)


if I were to have non of the equipment to do what I do and was asked to produce a photo shoot to pay for everything I would need to produce just one professional photo it would cost thousands  of dollars to do so.


So next time you ask someone that is doing a service to work for you, stop and think I wonder home much it cost for them to give me the service I am asking for.


I didn’t get everything I own for free I worked hard to have the things to do the job I do. If My service did not cost me anything to produce then it would not cost you anything to receive.


Just take a second and think to your self what if I was asked to do the job I do everyday for free or little money, Would you still do it?  I don’t think you would so why should I or anyone else.


My time and tallent start at $100 a hour, prints start at $40, and finally digital rights start at $200 or single images at $60 each. My pricing is fair.

To write this Blog it just cost me money. My computer, My web hosting, software, interent, and electricity.

I have been in the industry for over 9 years now. I don’t need to take a photo for my portfolio I have 142634 photos on my hard drive right now and that is not including any of the photos that are archived off my computer from prior years.
